Our smartest cards yet! With a Plastic USB Business Card, you get up to 128GB of digital data to upload.

With a Plastic USB Business Card, you’ve got up to 128GB of digital data to play with! Load your professional sales video, product catalogue or image gallery onto these clever plastic cards! They’re our smartest plastic card ever!

USB Business Card Sizes

Plastic USB Business Cards are available in different sizes and materials. A standard credit card size (85.5 x 54mm) is our most popular.

Memory Sizes

Choose from 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 GB USB Memory Sticks! Smaller memory sizes are cheaper to produce, so determine how much space you need for your data and then choose the most appropriate amount of memory for your USB Business Card.

Order Quantity

We can print Plastic USB Business Cards for quantities as small as 100 units. As with most printed products, the more you get the cheaper they become per unit.